Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: Alternative form of att (Laos currency unit) [A subdivision of currency, equal to one hundredth of a Lao kip.]
▸ noun: (software) Initialism of assistive technology. [Umbrella term that includes adaptive, assistive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities.]
▸ noun: (US, Navy) Initialism of auxiliary tugboat.
▸ noun: (US, sports) Initialism of anaerobic threshold.
▸ noun: (fan fiction) Initialism of alternate timeline.
▸ noun: (aviation, navigation) Initialism of aerotriangulation. [The assigning of coordinates to points on the ground by use of aerial photographs.]
▸ noun: Initialism of appropriate technology. [The use of technology that is small-scale, affordable by locals, decentralized, labor-intensive, energy-efficient, environmentally sound, and locally autonomous.]
▸ noun: (firefighting, aviation) Abbreviation of air tanker. [An aircraft used to deliver liquids (or powders) from the air, usually either fuel, fire-retardants, or water.]
▸ noun: Initialism of activity theory. [A line of eclectic social science theories and research with its roots in a Soviet theory pioneered by Sergei Rubinstein in the 1930s, seeking to understand human activities as systemic and socially situated phenomena and to go beyond paradigms of reflexology and classical conditioning.]
▸ adjective: (military) Initialism of anti-tank.
all at once,
at the very most,
be at the plague,
burn one's candle at both ends,
eat an elephant one bite at a time,
fall at the final hurdle,
fall at the last hurdle,
fly off at a tangent,
get back at,
grab at a straw,
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