In dictionaries:
great ape
Large primates, including humans, gorillas.
naked ape
Human described as primitive mammal.
ape man
Prehistoric human-like primate ancestor.
anthropoid ape
Resembles humans, large primate species.
Barbary ape
Tailless monkey native to Gibraltar.
went ape
Became extremely angry or wild.
black ape
skunk ape
(US, cryptozoology) A hominid creature said to inhabit the Southeastern United States.
ape shit
Alternative spelling of apeshit [(slang, vulgar) Out of control due to anger or excitement.]
red ape
Synonym of orangutan
gone ape
Lost control, became wildly aggressive.
goes ape
Becomes extremely angry or wild.
lesser ape
Smaller, agile primates with tails.
go ape
Become extremely angry or excited.
ape hangers
High handlebars on motorcycles, distinctive.
ape hand
Deformity from median nerve dysfunction.
sea ape
Mythical creature, sailor's oceanic tale.
man ape
Primate resembling both humans, apes.
ape men
Prehistoric humans with ape-like features.
dog ape
half ape
Hybrid creature, partially simian characteristics.