Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: To take voluntarily (a child of other parents) to be in the place of, or as, one's own child.
▸ verb: To obtain (a pet) from a shelter or the wild.
▸ verb: To contribute towards the upkeep of (a child or animal), in exchange for occasional stories, pictures, etc.
▸ verb: To take by choice into the scope of one's responsibility.
▸ verb: To take or receive as one's own what is not so naturally.
▸ verb: To select and take or approve.
▸ verb: (chess, slang) To beat an opponent ten times in a row.
▸ Words similar to adopt
▸ Usage examples for adopt
▸ Idioms related to adopt
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near adopt
▸ Rhymes of adopt
▸ Invented words related to adopt