Usually means: Ancient Greek poet and scholar.
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We found 11 dictionaries that define the word Callimachus:

General (9 matching dictionaries)
  1. Callimachus:
  2. Callimachus: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. Callimachus, Callimachus: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. Callimachus: Collins English Dictionary
  5. Callimachus: Wordnik
  6. Callimachus: Infoplease Dictionary
  7. Callimachus:
  8. Callimachus (disambiguation), Callimachus (polemarch), Callimachus (sculptor), Callimachus: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  9. Callimachus: Dictionary/thesaurus

Computing (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Callimachus, Callimachus: Encyclopedia

Definitions from Wikipedia (Callimachus)

noun:  an ancient Greek poet, scholar, and librarian who was active in Alexandria during the 3rd century BC.
noun:  Callimachus (Kallímakhos) was the Athenian polemarch at the Battle of Marathon, which took place during 490 BC.
noun:  an architect and sculptor working in the second half of the 5th century BC in the manner established by Polyclitus.

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