Concept clusters in the subject Tools (Top)
Access and Control Adhesion or attaching Agricultural processing Alloys or types of metal Amphibian life and habitat Ancient Greece Animal Traits Animalistic traits Antique farming tools Antiquities Architectural decor Architectural details Architecture (2) Architecture (3) Artificial lighting Asbestos characteristics Australian slang or culture Balcony Bamboo and its uses Barb Bathroom or toilet Beams or Supporting Structures Beauty and skincare Bedbound Conditions Bedroom furniture Beds and bedding furniture Bees and beekeeping Bell towers Bespoke tailoring Bird's beak Blacksmithing Bladed weapons in particular Bladed weapons or knives Blocking or sealing Blonde hair variations Blushing or turning red Board or Panel Construction Bow making and usage Box Branching Brickmaking or ceramics Brown and grey shades Brown color or brown hair Brushes and brooms Budding and germination Bushido Calcium compounds Cane or sugarcane Carpentry and masonry tools Carrying or transporting items Castle design and construction Castle or fortification Ceramics and pottery Chalks Christian Crosses Classical architecture Classicism Clay or clay materials Cleaning dishes Cleaning or hygiene Cleaning or wiping materials Cleansing Products Cling film or plastic wrap Closets and wardrobes Coatings Color and Light Reflection Color hues or tints Color variation and perception Color-coded alerts Coloring or adding color Combat Commercial fishing Compression or fastening Concrete and cement materials Construction Construction glues Construction or manufacturing Conveyor systems Cooking and heating appliances Cooking appliances Corn or maize Cough and throat medications Craftsmanship and artisan work Craftsmanship or Artisanship Craftsmanship or handicraft Creating art with paint Cross or crossing Curtains or drapes Cuts or indentations Cutting or slicing Cutting or slicing (3) Cutting or trimming Decoration or Ornamentation Decorative art and design Defensive Structures Defensive walls Diamond cutting Different types of knots Different types of soap Digging or moving materials Digging tools Diminutives Disassembly and reassembly Dishes and serving utensils Display or communication Dog-earing a page Doing laundry Door hardware Dot patterns or designs Drafting or drawing plans Drawing and engraving Drilling or making holes Drilling tools and equipment Dust (2) Ear and audio equipment Ecclesiastical architecture Edges or points Edges or types of edges Embodying safeguard Encircling or surrounding Enclosing or containing Envelopes Excavation or burial practices Fabric and wood crafting Farming and agriculture Fashion accessories Fastening Fastening or securing Fastening or securing (2) Fastening or tools Feminine hygiene products Fencing Fencing or barriers Fiber Fireplace or fire-making Fish Traps Fishing Fishing gear or equipment Fishing gear/equipment Fishing industry Fishing industry (2) Fitting or securing with a peg Flag terminology Flasks Flat surfaces or structures Folding Food preparation tools Forests and forestry Fortification Architecture Fossil fuels Fruit bearing and maturation Fullness or overflowing Funeral rites and ceremonies Garbage and recycling Gardening and landscaping Gardening or farming tools Gates or Doors Gemology Gemstone cutting and setting Glass and glassmaking Glassmaking or glassblowing Glazing pottery Gold or Gold Plating Gothic Architecture Gothic architecture Gray or beige color tones Green or greenness Grinding or pulverizing Grinding/Milling Operations Gun terminology and types Hair color Hammering and chiseling tools Hand tools used in woodworking Handicraft Harvesting or agriculture Hay and haymaking process Heraldry (2) Hippo or horse Hitch knots Hives and bee colonies Hoes and similar tools Holding tightly or securing Home or shelter Honey Hook or fastening devices Hooks or hooked tools Hopping Human nails Identification or marking Indoor Gardening Indoor farming Insectoid or marine likeness Joinery and wood connections Knob Knob or nub Land measurement or ownership Landscapes and habitats Lawn and garden maintenance Lead-based compounds Leaving a mark or trace Length measurement Length or distance measurement Light or energy projection Livestock Facilities Locking mechanisms Locking or securing Locks and lock picking Locksmithing and door locks Machining and manufacturing Marble and its various forms Marking or imprinting Martial arts Masonry construction methods Mechanical force or rotation Metal smelting and processing Metallurgy Metallurgy and Metalworking Metallurgy and iron production Metals and alloys Metalworking and Blacksmithing Military base or outpost Mining or construction Musical composition (2) Nails and nail tools Nature or Outdoors Neck Niche or used goods stores Nose or nose shapes Objects that spin or rotate Obstruction or barrier Orb Ordnance Packaging Painting and drawing styles Paper and wood-based products Paper crafting or paper art Parts of tools or machinery Parts or pieces Pearl or pearl-like Peatlands Pencils and drawing tools Pendulum Pens Pharmacological similarity Pills and capsules Pinch in various contexts Plant growth or germination Plant propagation and growth Plant reproduction and growth Planting and propagation Plastering or wall finishing Plowing or farming Plowing or tilling the soil Pocket Pole Prick or prickling Projectile weapons Pulp and paper industry Rainbow Recycling and waste management Red or reddish color Reflective or polished surface Relief Sculpture Religious and symbolic crosses Removing the husk from corn Restraint or confinement Retail stores or shops Rock and mineral types Rodent control Roof and Beam Construction Roofing materials Roofing types and parts Roots or Rooting Rotation or spinning Rubber Materials Sabotaging Sand Saws and accessories Scissors and shears Scissors or cutting tools Screen Sculpture creation Secluded or hidden space Securing Securing objects together Securing or fastening Securing or fastening (2) Sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks (2) Seed propagation Seeding Sewing or tailoring Sharp tools or instruments Sharp tools or weapons Sharpness or pointedness Shelter or hiding places Shelter or places to sleep Shooting a gun or firearm Shooting or firing a gun Shooting or marksmanship Shooting sports or activities Shooting techniques or styles Similarity or Resemblance Similarity or comparison Similarity or likeness Similarity or likeness (2) Similarity or likeness (4) Similarity or resemblance Similes Slender objects/items Small or Simple Dwellings Smallness or diminutiveness Snap Soil cultivation Spear Spears or spear fighting Special-purpose rooms Specialized storage units Specialty Paper Spider-Man Spinning or revolving Splitting or breaking off Spraying Spur Stadium or theater seating Stage and backstage Stairs or ladders Stickers Stones used for grinding Stonework and masonry Stoves or burners Sugarcane production Sugarcane production (2) Support or reinforcement Support structures Suspended or hanging Sword fighting or fencing Table Tailoring and fashion design Tall structures or buildings Texture or consistency Theater Curtains Throwing or striking Tiles and tiling Toilet or restroom Tools Tools or Hardware Tools or utensils with prongs Topical natural remedies Torn or worn out fabric Trap devices or methods Traps Travel luggage or baggage Treasure or valuable items Tree and Plant Shaping Tree and Woodworking Twisted or Tangled Twisting or contorting Tying Types of ceramics and pottery UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life Uses of sodium chloride Using a rope to catch Utensils Various knives Vegetable-like or fruit-like Vegetation or plant life (2) Video editing Wall Wall construction and design Wardrobe essentials Waste management Waterproof covering Wax Weapon or tool Weapons and armaments Wilderness survival Window treatments Window varieties Wire fencing Wood carving or cutting Wood harvesting and processing Wood shaping and joining tools Woodworking Woodworking and Metalworking Workshop Wrapping or packaging Wrenches Yellow or yellowish color
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Today's secret word is 7 letters and means "Swollen and rounded in shape." Can you find it?