Concept clusters in the subject Tasks (Top)
Able to prove Absence (3) Absolution or exoneration Accounting Accusation Accusation or blame Acknowledgment or recognition Acting or performance Adding or calculating a total Addition or attachment Adjustment Advising or cautioning Aggression or combativeness Allocation Almsgiving or donation Apostasy Arrest and detention Asking or questioning Asserting or confirming Assigning a position or role Assignment or delegation Auctions and bargain sales Auctions and bidding Augmentation Authorization Auxiliary Balance Balance or equilibrium Balancing Banking institutions and roles Bankruptcy Before or prior to (2) Begging Betrayal or dishonesty Blood money Brainstorming Business Operations Business franchising Buying and selling Calculation or estimation Cancelation or annulment Captivity Caring for Certification or confirmation Checking or verifying Choice or selection Claiming Claiming or asserting Clarification or explanation Collaboration Collective intelligence Coming together or combining Commerce or retail trade Commitment or dedication Common Land or Commons Communication Communication (2) Communication (3) Communication (5) Compensation or repayment Compliance or agreement Conclusion or resolution Conditions or Requirements Confession or Acknowledgement Confirmation or validation Confirmation or verification Conquest Conscription Consent or permission Consequences or penalties Consequences or results Conspiracy or planning Contract Contract Law Conversation Conveyancing Conveying information or ideas Corporate Takeovers Counter Counting Counting or enumeration Court testimony Creation or formation Credit and finance Crediting or receiving credit Crime and punishment Crime or wrongdoing Criminal sentencing Currency and foreign exchange Debate or argumentation Debt and bankruptcy Debt and financial obligation Deception and intrigue Delivering a message or advice Denial or rejection Dialogue or discussion Direction or control Disagreement or conflict Disbursement Disclosure Distribution Division or distribution Dominance or superiority Economics and Economic Systems Emancipation Employment Employment or job situation Endorsement or approval Estate Management Evaluation or assessment Example or illustration Exchange or substitution Exchange or trading Exchange or trading (2) Exclusion or expulsion Exile or banishment Existence or survival Expenditure Experimentation or testing Explanation Exploration Finance and investment Financial accounting Financial accounting (2) Financial security or loan Fit or Suitability Foundation or Base Freeing someone from slavery Fulfilling or meeting a desire Fund management Gaining an advantage Generating and sharing ideas Getting something for free Giving or donation Granting or giving consent Guarantee or assurance Habitation Heirship or succession Honor Honor and respect Human migration Hypothesis or speculation Improvement or correction Income and earnings Influence or persuasion Influencing someone's beliefs Inheritance and Succession Inheritance and property law Initiating and driving change Insertion or infusion Inspection or examination Insurance Insurance and assurance Intermediation Intervention or interaction Intervention or interference Intervention or intervening Inventory and stock management Investment and finance Justification or reasoning Laissez-faire Legal Contracts and Agreements Legal decision-making Legal judgement Legal liability Legal proceedings Licensing agreements Loans and lending Location or placement Maintenance or preservation Making a promise or commitment Making or constructing Margin Market Segmentation Medical billing Medieval & Early Modern Levies Merit and deserving Money transactions Motivation or persuasion Moving backwards Moving or going backward Negotiation or agreement Negotiation or discussion Nurturing Obligation Options trading strategies Ownership Ownership or property rights Patent law Payment Payment for work Payment or expenditure Payment or fees Peace Permission or authorization Philanthropy or charity Planning Planning or scheming Pleading or imploring Politeness or courtesy Possession Praise or acknowledgment Prejudice Price Determination Pricing Prioritizing Prison system Profitability and cash flow Prohibition Project Management Property tenure Proving or providing evidence Provisioning Provisioning (2) Pushing or Propelling Forward Readiness or preparation Reading Reaffirmation Real estate and property law Real estate and property law (2) Rebellion Receiving or accepting Reciprocity or mutual exchange Recovery Recovery or restoration Redemption or making amends Reference or referring Reflection Remaining or leftover Renouncing Renunciation or abandonment Repeating Repetition or modification Repetition or reiteration Respect Responding or giving a reply Responsibility Responsibility or liability Restitution Retirement and pension Returning or reverting Revealing Reversal or inversion Revoking or removing authority Reward or recompense Rice porridge Risk and danger Rivalry Roles or occupations Sales and promotions Sales promotions or discounts Securities and bonds Security Selling a product or service Sending and receiving messages Servitude or bondage Signing Special rights Speech Spelling Spilling the beans Stock Market Trading Stock Market Trading (2) Subleasing or renting property Superiority Survival Taking the place of another Tax collectors Taxation Tithe or Tithing Title and Deed Tort law Trade and economics Transaction or negotiation Transactions and payments Transformation or Change (2) Trust Trust and assurance Unification or integration Utilization and hiring Validation or verification Verification Witty response Writing and cashing checks Writing and executing a will
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Today's secret word is 7 letters and means "Swollen and rounded in shape." Can you find it?