Concept clusters in the subject
Assorted apples and pears
Banana and apple
Berries or berry plants
Berry-producing plants
Botanical names or species
Botanical specifics
Botany or herbalism
Cabbage and lettuce varieties
Citrus and exotic fruits
Citrus hybrids
Citrus or melon
Citrus or tree
Different shades and hues
Different types (2)
Different types of nuts
Different types of palm trees
Diverse fruits
Diverse tree species
Edible plants or crops
Edible plants or herbs
Edible seaweed or marine algae
Essential oils or fragrances
Exotic edibles
Exotic or lesser-known plants
Exotic or unusual fruits
Ferns and aquatic plants
Ferns and orchids
Floral species/varieties
Flower colors
Flowers or plants
Flowers or types of flowers
Fruit-bearing plants
Genus of flowering plants
Global exotic produce
Grains and tubers
Grass varieties
Grass varieties (2)
Grasses and sedges varieties
Herbs and spices
Industrials & Botanicals
Legumes or beans
Marine vegetation
Medicinal plants or herbs
Nicknames or common names
Nuts or types of nuts
Orchid species and parts
Pine and cedar trees
Plant and animal-based oils
Plant genera
Plants (2)
Plants and their products
Plants or botany
Plants or botany (2)
Plants or botany (3)
Plants or herbs
Poisonous or medicinal plants
Root and leafy vegetables
Rose and flower varieties
Rose color or pinkish hue
Shrubs and small trees
Shrubs or small trees
Specific flora
Specific tree species or types
Spinach and its varieties
Spring blooming flowers
Squash and cucumber varieties
Squash and gourd vegetables
Stone fruit trees or drupes
Tree nuts
Trees and shrubs
Trees and shrubs (2)
Trees or plants
Trees or types of trees
Trees or types of wood
Tropical and exotic plants
Tropical and subtropical flora
Tropical produce
Uncommon edibles
Uncommon flora
Uncommon or unique plant names
Unusual or exotic plants
Varieties of oaks
Weeds and wildflowers
Weeds or invasive plants
Weeds or invasive species
Wild berries
Wildflowers or herbs
Wildflowers or weeds
Wood and trees
Wood or types of wood
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"Swollen and rounded in shape."
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