Concept clusters in the subject Communication (Top)
AI and robotics Abbreviation Academic citation Acoustics (2) Acronyms and word play After an event or process Alphabet systems Analysis Analytical approaches Analyzing social dynamics Anatomy of the human voice Ancient or old-fashioned Ancient wedding songs or hymns And their meanings Anthology Architecture Art and artistic expression Authorship or being a writer Autonomy or self-governance Autumn or Seasons Axiom Before or prior to Behavioral psychology Behavioural science Biocomplexity Biography Book collecting Bookish Brackets Breaking down a larger entity Calendar Carving or engraving on stones Change or transition (2) Changing or varying form Character Encoding Characterization Classical studies Classifying information Code-switching Combinatorics Communication medium Comprehension Condensed storytelling Condensing or shortening Creative writing Cultural psychology Dawn Days and weeks Death or after death Deception or misdirection Definition Delineating Denotation or designation Derivation Descent or decline Diacritics Dialogue Diurnal cycle Divination or fortune-telling Division or Organization Documentary filmmaking Documenting Drama and narrative creation Dramaturgy Duality or couple Duality or duplication Dynamics or dynamic forces ESP (Extrasensory Perception) Early morning Encyclopedia Ether or the ethereal Ethnicity Ethnicity or ethnic heritage Experimental poetry Extensive Extrasensory perception Falsehood or imitation Fictional genres Figure Figures of Speech Gender neutrality or androgyny Generational cohorts GeoTech Global reach Grammar and linguistics Greek alphabet and symbols Handwriting or script styles Harmony and melody Having multiple aspects (2) Having multiple forms (2) Hearing or producing sound Historical study IT Architecture Structure Ideas or ideation Imagination or fantasy Imagining Industry and production Inter and intra which refer to between and within groups Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary studies Interpretation Introduction or preamble Language and linguistics Language diversity Linguistic analysis Linguistic analysis (2) Linguistic change Linguistic change (2) Linguistic expression Linguistic nuances Linguistics Linguistics (2) Linguistics (3) Linguistics (4) Linguistics (5) Linguistics (6) Linguistics and Grammar Linguistics and language study Linguistics and phonetics Literary critique Literary devices Literature studies Localization Logic and reasoning Logical fallacies Long narrative poem Matter or material Measurement and transformation Media and communication Mental health therapies Meta Metafiction Metaphysics and epistemology Middle or midpoint Moderation or balance Morphology (2) Morphology and affixation Morphology and etymology Morphology and lexicology Morphology and phonology Multiculturalism Multifaceted analysis Multilingualism Multiple cultures co-existing Multiplicity or Variety Multiverse Multiverse (2) Museums and museum studies Musical rhythm Mysticism Mythology Naming or labeling Narratology Numbering or counting Obscenity Occult symbolism Occultism Oneirology Onomastics Onomatopoeia (3) Oratory or speechmaking Organization Organizing or sorting items Orientation or positioning Pairing or duplication Palm reading or palmistry Paradise Paradoxes Pattern Perception distortion Phenomenology Philosophy and psychology Phonetic pronunciation Phonetics and Phonology Phonetics and Phonology (2) Phonetics and phonology Phonetics and phonology (3) Phonetics and phonology (4) Picture or Portrait Plagiarism Poetic expression Poetry and poetic forms Poetry and poetic meter Polyphony Population Positioning Post-event or post-occurrence Post-event/action Pre-articulation phonetics Preceding Preparation or prior action Pretense or imitation Prophecy Prophesying Pseudonym Psychic Abilities Psychology Psychology (2) Psychology (3) Quotes and punctuation Quoting or citation Referencing Resonance or acoustic quality Rhetoric and communication Rhetoric and linguistic style Rhyme schemes and patterns Roundness or circularity Runes and runic inscriptions SLT or SLD Science Second or being second Segmentation Self-assembly or co-assembly Semantics Semiotics Signs and symbols Sonnet and sonneteers Sound or voice Sound or voice production Speaking Specialized names Speech and language disorders Speech or verbal expression Spoken narrative or discourse Statistics (2) Storytelling Strategy and tactics Subcategory Subdivision Subdivision or subcategory Subdivision or subcategory (2) Subliminal Subordination Summer or seasons Supernatural Syllable Symbolism Synonyms (7) Tech-savvy individuals Technology Technology (2) Terminology Text and textual analysis Theology (2) Theology (6) Theoretical interpretation Time division in sports games Time measurement or periods Tone in music and speech Translation and interpreting Tribute Tropical or tropics Twins or twinning Typography Using a name that a person Ventriloquism Verb inflection Verbal expression Verse meter Visual and performing arts Visual arts and design Visual perception Vocabulary Vocabulary measurement Voice or vocal expression Word creation and naming Worldbuilding Worldview Writing (2) Writing systems Year
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Today's secret word is 7 letters and means "Swollen and rounded in shape." Can you find it?