Concept clusters in the subject Anatomy (Top)
Amputation Anatomical direction Anatomical directions Anatomical orientation Anatomical position Anatomical position (2) Anatomical positioning Anatomical spatiality Anatomical terminology Anatomy Anatomy (10) Anatomy (11) Anatomy (12) Anatomy (2) Anatomy (4) Anatomy (5) Anatomy (6) Anatomy (8) Anatomy (9) Anatomy and physiology (2) Anatomy localization Anatomy of the heart Anatomy of the spine Anatomy or morphology Arteries Blood vessels Blood vessels and circulation Bone structure and growth Bones and joints Botany (2) Brain anatomy Brain anatomy and structures Brain lobes and regions Brain structure and regions Brain structures and regions Breast anatomy Breasts or mammary glands Bronchus or bronchi Bump or projection Cardiology (2) Cardiology (3) Cardiovascular anatomy Cephalic anatomy Cerebellum structure and roles Cervical anatomy Cervix Circumcision Coelom Connective tissues and joints Cranial anatomy Craniofacial anatomy Craniofacial anatomy (2) Cranioskeletal morphology Cross-anatomical migration Dental anatomy Dental anatomy and pathology Dental anatomy and physiology Dental anatomy and procedures Dental procedures Dentistry Dentistry or teeth Dentition or the arrangement Direction or position Directional Terms in Anatomy Directional terms Ear Ear anatomy and ear piercings Ear and its anatomy Emergency response procedures Endoscopy equipment Esophageal procedures Extra-anatomical Eye muscles and glands Facial anatomy and physiology Flagellates GI anatomy GI anatomy (2) GI anatomy (3) Gastro-urological disorders and treatments Gastroenterology Gastroenterology (2) Gastroesophageal link Gastrointestinal anatomy Genitourinary system Gum disease or oral health Gum diseases or conditions Gynecomastia Hair or hair follicles Hairiness or having hair Hand anatomy Hand and forearm anatomy Head or skull shape and size Health issues (2) Heart function and regulation Insect anatomy (2) Insect and reptile anatomy Inside or within Internal organs Interstructural Intracellular Ischium or ischial bone Kidney and heart anatomy Labial phonetics Limbs and digits Lobes Lobes or lobation Lobes or lobed structures Lower limb anatomy Luteal phase or ovulation Male reproductive system Marine biology (2) Maxillofacial anatomy Maxillofacial anatomy (2) Maxillofacial anatomy (3) Medical administration routes Microbiology (3) Milk production in mammals Morphological descriptions Morphology Motor skills Multidentate Muscles and their functions Nasal anatomy Nasal anatomy and physiology Nephrology glomeruli Neural pathways Neuroanatomy Neuroanatomy (2) Neuroanatomy (3) Neurology Neuroscience or brain anatomy Ocular anatomy Ocular sites Ophthalmic surgical procedures Ophthalmology (4) Oral and nasal anatomy Oral health and orthodontics Orbital anatomy Organism appendages Organismal structure Orthopedic conditions Otoliths or ear stones PRS Parasitology and zoology Particularized Pectoral girdle Peri-organ or peri-structural Place of articulation Placenta and Ovarian Structures Placentation Plant morphology (3) Plant morphology and structure Plant morphology and structure (2) Position relative to Pulmonary anatomy Respiro-Digestive Interactions Rib cage or thoracic structure Salivation Scurvy or skin diseases Single biology/anatomy Skull or anatomy of the head Skull or cranial bones Skull or cranial bones (2) Skull or cranial regions Spines or Spiniforms Subcellular structures Surgery or surgical procedures Testicular disorders Throat and voice box anatomy Tissue and structural anatomy Tooth morphology Trichology Tube or tubular structures Upper body and arm anatomy Urogastrointestinal anatomy Varicose veins Veins
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